D'on sorgeix el nostre projecte?

NOMADA HR - Software

NOMADA HR - Talent


Després de treballar en varies companyies en departaments de RRHH hem pogut adquirir l’experiència per poder veure quins son els processos que mes temps ens treuen i que no aporten valor.

Així va néixer Nomada HR – Software

What makes us different?

  • És un software creat especialment per nosaltres (professionals de RRHH) i enfocat a Petites i mitjanes empreses
  • We know first-hand which tasks will make our lives easier by automating them, turning our HR department into an efficient and strategic department

Un altre de les tasques on hem de tenir més attention, care and dedication are the selection processes 

 What makes us different?

  • We are aware of the importance of hiring good staff and their impact on the company in terms of both time and money.
  • We know that to carry out a quality process requires a dedication that day to day does not allow us.
  • We know how difficult it is to find a good selection partner and to find specialist partners.

This is how the idea to create Nomada HR – Talent.

Com a professionals dels RRHH que hem treballat en diferents empreses, res ens motiva més que poder ajudar a les empreses amb tota la nostra experiència.

Our team

Jordi Soler

Human Resources CEO with more than 20 years of experience leading the
Human Resources of SMEs and multinationals

Miriam Guevara

HR psychologist with more than 15 years of work experience leading recruitment and training projects while retaining talent

Ana Fernandez

Professional de RRHH amb més de 15 anys d'experiència en departaments de Recursos Humans entre ells, grup Inditex

Digitize the HUMAN RESOURCES departments simplifying the processes that steals more time, and being able to dedicate this time to focus on the most strategic areas or value for the company HUMAN RESOURCES simplifying the processes that steals more time, and being able to dedicate this time to focus on the most strategic areas or value for the company

Make of Human Resources a strategic department in the organizations and speeding up all processes that don't add value, in order to dedicate time to what really matters: ITS HUMAN TEAM


We help you to boost your business to the next level!

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